Thursday, March 31, 2011

Rain rain go away

The continuous downfall outside makes it hard to think about anything other than curling up in bed with a good book. ::YAWN:: Anyway, in my screen print 2 class I am designing and printing our own fabric. With this fabric I am reupholstering a chaise lounger and a rocking chair (I am super excited about doing the rocking chair, not so much the chaise...seems like it is going to be a pain in the butt). I got the rocking chair at a thrift store for $2 ( I almost wet my pants I was so excited!) The rocking chair has these fantastic curvy art deco arms I absolutely love! I purchased the chaise from a nice woman off craigslist for a bit more ($30, I believe). It's a bit larger than I thought it was going to be but I still think it is going to be beautiful. Here they are and all their glory:

The chaise before it was stripped

Down to the bare bones

The pieces won't be done for a few weeks but they will be well worth the wait :) Get excited!

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